modestly meaning in marathi

Word: modestly
Meaning of modestly in english - in a modest manner, within reasonable limits

Meanings in marathi :

As adverb :
murkhimurkhi ( मुर्खीमुर्खी )
मुरकून मुरकून
Synonyms of modestly
quietly simply plainly humbly purely bashfully chastely demurely diffidently retiringly shyly unassumingly unobtrusively unpresumptuously unpretentiously virtuously reasonably cheaply moderately sensibly
Antonyms of modestly
boldly boastfully immodestly
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
monetary aid sought from door to door by a person with a plough suspended from his neckmoney given to a widow at her weddingmodernmodestlymoistmolarmoney to be investedmongoosemolassesmomentmomentarymonkey grindermonkey the name cakradhara gave to bhaṭobāsa because of his skill at climbing treesmonkeys crymonotonous talkmoonbeamsmoney given by placing it on a tray along with one or more lighted oil lamps and waving the tray in a circle in front of the person to whom the money is being presentedmoneymoneylendermonkeymoonlightmore than othersmonthmore or lessmore thanmorning or evening twilightmorsel of foodmorsel of goldmortgaged objectmoreover