month meaning in marathi

Word: month
Meaning of month in english - time

Meanings in marathi :

maasavada ( मासवडा )
Synonyms of month
point generation past second turn space life season moment date day present stage term while future occasion tide go duration lifetime stint span clock stretch instance epoch bout eternity infinity spell tempo extent bit continuance juncture instant shift interval tour allotment life span year week hour chronology lastingness
Antonyms of month
future past
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
moonlightmore than othersmonthmore or lessmore thanmorning or evening twilightmorsel of foodmorsel of goldmortgaged objectmoreovermorningmorselmortarmosquitoes and fleasmortgagemortgagedmosquemoss-like plant growing on watermossmost dear onemost excellent toothmother and fathermother and her daughtermother and her sonmother and sister in onemother sītāmost excellentmostlymother-in-lawmother-of-pearl