mānas 84 meaning in marathi

Word: mānas 84

Meanings in marathi :

kaatalaakaatala ( कातला-कातळा )
कत्तलोयं तुरंगम
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
mārutī the wind godmātu =māyā the first among the powers of godmāyā the highest deity in the devatācakramāyāmūg pulse and rice boiled togethernaggingnaked jain asceticnakedname and formname given according to the sign of the zodiac at the time of birthname given by cakradhara to one of his female disciplesname of arjunaname of kṛṣṇaname of the god khaṇḍobāname of the god śivaname of śivaname ofname that cakradhara gave to a certain ugly womannamenamed so and sonamed so-and-sonamednandī śivas bullnapnapkinnarratornarrow path between two fieldsnarrow pathwaynarrow road