nigā 34 meaning in marathi

Word: nigā 34

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
savangaden ( सवंगडें )
अरुप बागडे, निर्गुण सवंगडें
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
ninety-nineninety-sixninth day of the first half of the month of māgha january-february an auspicious daynightninenipplenobilitynocturnalnoise and stirnoise made by children playing with a hobby-horsenoisy activitynomenclaturenonon-attachmentnon-dualismnon-existencenon-existentnon-materialnoisenoisilynon-vegetariannonexistencenonsensicalnonverbal expressionnonexistentnook or a crannynooknoose around the necknoosenortheastern