no meaning in marathi

Word: no
Meaning of no in english - not, negative

Meanings in marathi :

As adverb :
nakaanako ( नका-नको )
Synonyms of no
nix never absolutely not by no means no way not at all not by any means
Identical words :
not artificial - akritrim ( अकृत्रिम )
not poured through a strainer - agali ( अगळी )
not strung together - agunthit ( अगुंथित )
non-material - ajad ( अजड )
not understood - anekalit ( अणेकळित )
not generous - adaata ( अदाता )
non-dualism - advit ( अद्वीत )
nonexistence - shuunyapan ( शून्यपण )
not calculating - animit ( अनिमित )
not studious - anaabhyaasak ( अनाभ्यासक )
not fixed - aniet ( अनिएत )
not being acquainted - anolakhi ( अनोळखी )
not previously seen - apuurv ( अपूर्व )
not speaking - abolan ( अबोलण )
non-vegetarian - abhakha ( अभखा )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
nocturnalnoise and stirnoise made by children playing with a hobby-horsenoisy activitynomenclaturenonon-attachmentnon-dualismnon-existencenon-existentnon-materialnoisenoisilynon-vegetariannonexistencenonsensicalnonverbal expressionnonexistentnook or a crannynooknoose around the necknoosenortheasternnorthern khāndeśnorthwestnose ringnorthernnostrilnot a particle of negationnot a real thing