nonsensical meaning in marathi

Word: nonsensical
Meaning of nonsensical in english - absurd

Meanings in marathi :

As adjective :
bhaleteutabhalenteut ( भलेतेउत-भलेंतेउत )
वाटेल ते
Synonyms of nonsensical
stupid ridiculous silly senseless
Antonyms of nonsensical
intelligent sensible wise reasonable
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
nonexistentnook or a crannynooknoose around the necknoosenortheasternnorthern khāndeśnorthwestnose ringnorthernnostrilnot a particle of negationnot a real thingnot artificialnot being a widownot being acquaintednot calculatingnot eatingnot ejaculating semennot eternalnot fixednot fully formednot generousnot giving milknot having eatennot hotnot humannot indulging in pleasuresnot knowingnot lactating