not to wane meaning in marathi

Word: not to wane

Meanings in marathi :

As transitive verb :
naatane ( नाटणे )
न आटणे
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
not to wear a garmentnot tucked innot understoodnot well cookednot worthy of mentionnothingnessnourishing foodnovice on the spiritual pathnozzlenuditynoughtnourishingnourishmentnownumbernutcracker for betel nutsnām 120nudenumerousnursingnām 1418nām 1645nām 1746nām 308nātha yogī fourtuneteller who sings to the accompaniment of a drumnāthapanthī of the kānaphāṭī split-ear secto brave meno godo king alarka be quieto śiva exclamatory