nourishment meaning in marathi

Word: nourishment
Meaning of nourishment in english - food

Meanings in marathi :

sidata ( सीदता )
Synonyms of nourishment
nutrition sustenance feed pap victuals provender support nutriment aliment diet pabulum foodstuff maintenance viands vittles
Antonyms of nourishment
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
noughtnourishingnourishmentnownumbernutcracker for betel nutsnām 120nudenumerousnursingnām 1418nām 1645nām 1746nām 308nātha yogī fourtuneteller who sings to the accompaniment of a drumnāthapanthī of the kānaphāṭī split-ear secto brave meno godo king alarka be quieto śiva exclamatoryoaroathobedient servantobedientobeisance be toobeisanceobeyedobject of affectionobject of devotionobject of experience