one enlightened with spiritual knowledge meaning in marathi

Word: one enlightened with spiritual knowledge

Meanings in marathi :

bodhavant ( बोधवंत )
परमेश्वराचे ज्ञान प्राप्त झालेला
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
one halfone having feathersone hundred eightone in the front lineone incapable of speechone moreone of a row of people sitting to eatone of eight devotional attitudesone of five extraordinary powers in the yoga of nātha asceticsone of five extraordinary powers obtained through yogaone of five types of episodes in cakradharas biographyone of its templesone of the eight cakras in yogic physiologyone of the eight plexuses in yogic physiologyone of the eighty-four hellsone of the four cyclically recurring world agesone of the four mental statesone of the great sentences like i am brahman or thou art that from the upaniṣads considered basic to vedānta philosophyone of the nine poetical sentimentsone of the six systems of classical indian philosophyone of the sixteen saṃskārasone of the three channels in yogic physiologyone of the three types of texts in vedic literatureone of the types of knowledge proper to deitiesone of śivas attendants bhṛṅgione or twoone practicing repetition of the divine nameone practising correct religious behaviourone side of a bodiceone side of a double door