one who roams all over meaning in marathi

Word: one who roams all over

Meanings in marathi :

ravanubhavanu ( रवणुभवनु )
सर्वदूर हिंडणारा
( येथे ) आडकित्याचे नाव
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
one who runs to anothers aidone who serves a meal to a divine incarnation one of eight types of devoteesone who sits obstinatelyone who sitsone who smells somethingone who speaks the truth in a pleasing mannerone who stands or sits on a high platform to keep watch over crops in a fieldone who strikesone who suppliesone who swings at enemy soldiers in battleone who takes his devotees sideone who takes on a bodyone who takes shelter in a fortone who terminates the ego and unites knowledge with the knowableone who travels through the airone who wears the guise of a māṅgaone who wields a shield and a stickone who wields a swordone who wields a weaponone who wishes to eatone whose task is to serve incenseone wielding a kind of maceone-eyedone-fourth portion of a full mealone-halfone-sixth of a momentone-twentieth partone-fourthone-twentiethone