one who wields a sword meaning in marathi

Word: one who wields a sword

Meanings in marathi :

paatekar ( पाटेकर )
पट्टा, म्ह. तलवार, धारण करणारा
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
one who wields a weaponone who wishes to eatone whose task is to serve incenseone wielding a kind of maceone-eyedone-fourth portion of a full mealone-halfone-sixth of a momentone-twentieth partone-fourthone-twentiethoneonenessones birthplaceones brothers wifeones deputyones fathers sisterones in-laws houseones lifes savingsones mother and sistersones mothers obligationones mothers sisterones own and anothersones own dutyones own workones relativesones representativeones true natureones whole life longones own