parents meaning in marathi

Word: parents

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
jaachandenjaachavanden ( जाचंदें-जाचवंदें )
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Related English Marathi Meaning
parcheesiparody or mimicry of vedic ritualparrotpart and wholepart in the hairpart of a chariotpart of a temple meant for performing sacrifices or for serving foodpart of māyā continuously associated with the jīva until the jīva is liberatedpart of māyā in which the jīva is kept in a state devoid of pleasure and sufferingpart of the bodypart of the marriage ritualpart of the upanayana ritual in which a twig of the palāśa tree is sprinkled with waterpart that hangs down but ṭīpapartparthian dramparticle expressing surprise or agreementparticle indicating refusalparticle of dustparticle of foodparticle of negation prefixed to a verbparticle of negationparticleparticular breed of horseparticular family nameparticular genre of poetryparticular gesture in dancingparticular gesture of the hands in dancingparticular hair styleparticular gestureparticular island on earth