part of māyā in which the jīva is kept in a state devoid of pleasure and suffering meaning in marathi

Word: part of māyā in which the jīva is kept in a state devoid of pleasure and suffering

Meanings in marathi :

avagala ( अवगळा )
जीवाला सुख- दु:खरहित अवस्थेत ठेवण्यासाठी असलेला मायेचा ब्रह्मांडातील स्वरुप- विभाग
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
part of the bodypart of the marriage ritualpart of the upanayana ritual in which a twig of the palāśa tree is sprinkled with waterpart that hangs down but ṭīpapartparthian dramparticle expressing surprise or agreementparticle indicating refusalparticle of dustparticle of foodparticle of negation prefixed to a verbparticle of negationparticleparticular breed of horseparticular family nameparticular genre of poetryparticular gesture in dancingparticular gesture of the hands in dancingparticular hair styleparticular gestureparticular island on earthparticular medicinal herbparticular medicinal substanceparticular movement in dancingparticular movement of the hands in dancingparticular musical rhythmparticular pose in danceparticular position in dancingparticular position of the hands in dancingparticular rhythm