passion meaning in marathi

Word: passion

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
vikaar ( विकार )
कामक्रोधादि भाव
इंद्रियांचे धर्म
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
pastel crayonpastureparticularlypatch-work quiltpatchpatched garmentpaternal unclepath across the bed of a dried-up riverpath for cattlepathpathfinderpatrolpatronpauperpavilionpawpaying a debtpaying the price of somethingpaḷasa treepaṇḍhar si ii 633paṇḍharpurpeace of mindpeacefulnesspeacock eggpeacock featherpeacepeacefulpeacockpeakpearl-oyster shell