person meaning in marathi

Word: person

Meanings in marathi :

As adverb :
vyakt ( व्यक्त )
Identical words :
personal attendant - javalil ( जवळील )
person from the andhra region - aandh ( आंध )
person who commits suicide - aatmaha ( आत्महा )
persons daily intake of food - aahaar ( आहार )
person who belongs to karnāṭak - kaanadi ( कानडी )
person with vices - kuvesaniya ( कुवेसनीया )
personal family matters - gujagoshti ( गुजगोष्टी )
personal name that of the author of ukhāharaṇa - chobha ( चोभा )
person attached to ones heart - jivalagalagi ( जीवलग--लगी )
person or instrument that keeps rhythm - taaladhar ( ताळधर )
personal observation - daakhaalaala ( दाखाला--ळा )
person with long hair - digharoma ( दीघरोमा )
personal belongings - parigrah ( परिग्रह )
person of noble birth - bhadrajaati ( भद्रजाति )
personal name - hegarigi ( हेगरिगी )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
personal belongingspersonal family matterspersonal name of a cowherd boypersonal name that of the author of ukhāharaṇapersonal observationpersonal service and attentionpersons daily intake of foodperspirationpertaining to a castepersonpertaining to a king or his administrationpertaining to godpertaining to śivapervadedpersonal namepervadingpervasion by the selfpervasionperversepestlepet animalpetalphallic image of śivaphilosophers stonephilosophical textsphlegmphrase denoting death or killingphysical necessityphysical pain at the time of deathphysical union with