picture gallery meaning in marathi

Word: picture gallery

Meanings in marathi :

chitrashaalaasaala ( चित्रशाळा--साळा )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
piece in a board gamepiece of bamboopiece of bark rind crust or other coveringpiece of breadpicturepiece of brickpiece of burning woodpiece of chalkpiece of charcoalpiece of cloth spread out for beggingpiece of cloth used as a bagpiece of clothpiece of clothingpiece of coarse clothpiece of gingerpiece of glasspiece of leatherpiece of limestonepiece of metalpiece of oil cakepiece of sackclothpiece of the residue of seeds etc from which oil has been pressedpiece of vegetable dipped in chickpea batter and fried in oilpiece of wood that joins a beam to a pillarpiercingpigpigeon but kopile of garbagepilespilgrim guide from gayā