poetical work meaning in marathi

Word: poetical work

Meanings in marathi :

granth ( ग्रंथ )
Identical words :
poetical work in the ovī metre - voviprabandh ( वोवीप्रबंध )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
poetrypoint in timepoint of contactpointpointed weapon made from a dead animals hornpointed weaponpointedpoison but kpoisonedpoisoningpoisonous snakepoisonpole covered with clothpole slung over the shoulder for carrying pots of water etcpole slung over the shoulder for carrying water etcpole used for fathoming a pool of waterpolice officerpolishpolishedpolishingpolitical uprisingpollutedpollutionpomegranatepompositypondpool of dirty waterpool of water under a rockpool of waterpool