pool of water under a rock meaning in marathi

Word: pool of water under a rock

Meanings in marathi :

chondhi ( चोंढी )
दगडाच्या कपारीखालील डोह
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Related English Marathi Meaning
pool of waterpoolpoor conditionpoor manpoor wretchpoor young woman who collects cow dungpoorpoorly dressedpopped grainpopular sayingpopulatedporchporcupine or a hawkporcupineporridge made of green chickpeasportion of māyāportioned outportportionposition in haṭhayogaposition of the hands in dancing see bharata nāṭyaśāstra 918positionpossessedpossessing ghostpossessing miraculous powerspossession by a deitypossessing only five cowrie shells as money a term of abuse used by govindaprabhupossession by a ghost or ghostspossession by a ghostpossession