porcupine or a hawk meaning in marathi

Word: porcupine or a hawk

Meanings in marathi :

shaaliva ( शाळिवा )
सायाळ (किंवा ससाणा)
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
porcupineporridge made of green chickpeasportion of māyāportioned outportportionposition in haṭhayogaposition of the hands in dancing see bharata nāṭyaśāstra 918positionpossessedpossessing ghostpossessing miraculous powerspossession by a deitypossessing only five cowrie shells as money a term of abuse used by govindaprabhupossession by a ghost or ghostspossession by a ghostpossessionpossiblypost marking the boundary between two opposed armiespostponementposture like that of an eagleposturepot bellypot for storing gheepostpot hung in a slingpot made from the pulp of tamarind seedspot of holy ashespot or vessel with many holespot with a spout