refinement meaning in marathi

Word: refinement

Meanings in marathi :

naagarik ( नागरिक )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
refreshedrefugerefugeerefuserefutationregardregion called huṇa in the himālayasregionregional languageregional variant of a musical rāgaregisterregular and occasionalregular practiceregularregularlyreinreinsrejectionrejoinderrelated as a brotherrelated to the aṣṭabhairava deitiesrelated to deities belonging to the groups of śeṣaśayya and brahmā-viṣṇu-maheśarelated to the deities māyā and viśvarelated torelatedrelationshiprelativesrelaxationrelaxingrelative