religious rite and or the text describing it meaning in marathi

Word: religious rite and or the text describing it

Meanings in marathi :

kalp ( कल्प )
धार्मिक विधीचा आचार
त्याचा ग्रंथ
kalap ( कळप )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
religious rites performed dailyreligious ritualsreligious wanderingreligious rite and or the text describing itreligious ritual in which unwidowed women offer a mixture of curds milk rice etc to a goddessreligious ritualreligious way based on direct experience as opposed to one based on faith a viśvāsapanthareligious way based on faithremainderremaining behind kīrtimukha is one of the śiva-gaṇas his head is carved on the threshold of a śiva temple when one has darśana of śiva one ignores kīrtimukharemedyrememberance of a previous liferememberingreligiousremovalremoved from the worldremoving ones headgear as a mark of respectremoving the fatigue caused by travellingremuneration paid to a village headmanrenouncerrenouncing everything as evilrenovationrenuncationrenunciation of worldly liferenunciationrepeated sufferingrepeated utterancerepeatedlyrepentancerepetition of a mantra