religious way based on direct experience as opposed to one based on faith a viśvāsapantha meaning in marathi

Word: religious way based on direct experience as opposed to one based on faith a viśvāsapantha

Meanings in marathi :

pratitipanth ( प्रतीतिपंथ )
प्रत्यक्ष अनुभवाचा मार्ग
Marathi to English
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Related English Marathi Meaning
religious way based on faithremainderremaining behind kīrtimukha is one of the śiva-gaṇas his head is carved on the threshold of a śiva temple when one has darśana of śiva one ignores kīrtimukharemedyrememberance of a previous liferememberingreligiousremovalremoved from the worldremoving ones headgear as a mark of respectremoving the fatigue caused by travellingremuneration paid to a village headmanrenouncerrenouncing everything as evilrenovationrenuncationrenunciation of worldly liferenunciationrepeated sufferingrepeated utterancerepeatedlyrepentancerepetition of a mantrarepetition of a plearepetition of the divine name harirepetition of the divine namerepetitionrepetitive sharp soundreportreporter