remuneration paid to a village headman meaning in marathi

Word: remuneration paid to a village headman

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
mhaataaradaam ( म्हतारदाम )
गावच्या महत्तरपदाच्या, म्ह. ग्रामप्रमुखाच्या वृत्तीचे वेतन
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
renouncerrenouncing everything as evilrenovationrenuncationrenunciation of worldly liferenunciationrepeated sufferingrepeated utterancerepeatedlyrepentancerepetition of a mantrarepetition of a plearepetition of the divine name harirepetition of the divine namerepetitionrepetitive sharp soundreportreporterrepresentativereproachreputerequestrescuerresemblancereservereservedreservoirresidence in a particular landresidence of brāhmaṇas see ei vol 26 pp 309-13 but dhereresidence