resounding sound meaning in marathi

Word: resounding sound

Meanings in marathi :

sudaavani ( सुडावणी )
naad ( नाद )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
resounding voiceresoundingresoundinglyrespectabilityrespectable personrespectable positionrespectable womanrespectablerespected fatherrespectful giftrespectful offering made to the bridegroom on his arrival at the door of the brides homerespectrespectful submissivenessrespectful word of exclamationrespectfullyrespiteresplendentrespectedrespectful homageresponse to a callresponsibility forresponsibilityrest periodrestfulnessresting place for cowsresting place near the entrance to a townrestless wildrestlessnessrestrainedrestraint of the senses