resounding voice meaning in marathi

Word: resounding voice

Meanings in marathi :

gujaradhvani ( गुजरध्वनि )
घुमून उठणारा आवाज
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
resoundingresoundinglyrespectabilityrespectable personrespectable positionrespectable womanrespectablerespected fatherrespectful giftrespectful offering made to the bridegroom on his arrival at the door of the brides homerespectrespectful submissivenessrespectful word of exclamationrespectfullyrespiteresplendentrespectedrespectful homageresponse to a callresponsibility forresponsibilityrest periodrestfulnessresting place for cowsresting place near the entrance to a townrestless wildrestlessnessrestrainedrestraint of the sensesrest