rhythmic meaning in marathi

Word: rhythmic

Meanings in marathi :

As adjective :
sutaalasutaal ( सुताल-सुताळ )
Identical words :
rhythmically - taalaalori ( तालालोरी )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
rhythmicallyrib of a leafribrice bran cooked in waterrice fieldrice gruelrice of the best qualityrice over which mantras have been recitedrice porridgerice sproutricerich foodrichriches obtained by divine powerriches of lustrerichesrichnessriddleridiculeridiculingrightrighteousrightlyrimring for a fingerrinsing the mouthriotous tumult in which people throw dust at each otherripe for pluckingriperipeness