rock on the bank of the godāvarī at ḍomegrām which having come into physical contact with cakradhara was taken away by his followers in bits meaning in marathi

Word: rock on the bank of the godāvarī at ḍomegrām which having come into physical contact with cakradhara was taken away by his followers in bits

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
chhinnapaap ( छिन्नपाप )
डोमेग्राम येथील गोदावरीच्या काठावरील चक्रधर संबंधित एक खडक. तो 'संबंधी पाषाण' म्हणून भक्तांनी 'छिन्न' करून नेला आहे
Marathi to English
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