seeing the absolute brahman or god as well as deities and other lower beings meaning in marathi

Word: seeing the absolute brahman or god as well as deities and other lower beings

Meanings in marathi :

As adjective :
paraavaradarsye ( परावरदर्स्ये )
पर (= चैतन्यस्वरूपापलीकडील) आणि अवर (= चैतन्यस्वरूपाच्या अलीकडे जडप्रपंचापर्यंत सर्व) पाहणारा
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
seiveselect or choice portionselectionseeing the absolute brahman or god as well as deities and other lower beingsseeingselectself-bornself-confidenceself-controlself-existentself-generatedself-imposed religious obligationself-made leadershipself-respectself-madeself-restraint and asceticismself-restraintself-willedselfesteemselfishnessselfrespecting mansellerselling buttermilkselling the divine namesemensending awaysending backsellingsenior and respectable personsenior and respectable