six conditions or states birth statis growth transformation destruction and death meaning in marathi

Word: six conditions or states birth statis growth transformation destruction and death

Meanings in marathi :

khadubhaav ( खडुभाव )
जन्म, स्थिति, वृद्धि, विपरिणमन, अपक्षय आणि मृत्यू हे सहा विकार
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
sixsixfoldsixteen measures of grainsixteen years oldsixteenthsixthsixty-fivesixty-foursixty-sixsixtysizzling hotskeletonskilfullyskill artistry in singingskill at constructionskill at languagesskill in swimmingskilled at debateskillskilled warriorskilledskillfulskillfullyskin diseaseskinslab of crystalslab of stoneslacknessslaked limeslanting ray of light