solitude in the woods meaning in marathi

Word: solitude in the woods

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
niranjan ( निरंजन )
अरण्यातील एकांतस्थळ
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
solutionsome onesolitudesome timesomesomething enormoussomething impossiblesomething or othersomething saidsomething strange or erroneoussomething that brings about tranquility and stabilitysomething that happenssomething very wrong or absurdsomething waved around a person or an image and then thrown away to avert evilsomething waywardsomething writtensometimessomewhat sweetson held on his mothers hipson-in-lawsong meant to promote auspiciousnesssonsong sung to the accompaniment of a small drumsonoroussoonsoot and dirtsootsorcerersorcerysore or boil that forms on a spot where a hair has been plucked out