song meant to promote auspiciousness meaning in marathi

Word: song meant to promote auspiciousness

Meanings in marathi :

mangalachaar ( मंगळचार )
मंगल- गीत
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
song sung to the accompaniment of a small drumsonoroussoonsoot and dirtsootsorcerersorcerysore or boil that forms on a spot where a hair has been plucked outsorrowsoresortsound used to call a dogsoundsounding musical instruments to denote the arrival of an important personsoup or broth made with mūga or a similar grainsoup-like preparation of lentilssour buttermilk gruelsourcesouth indiasoutheastsouthernsour drinksoursouthsovereignsowing of seedssowing timespacelessnessspaciousspark