strict celibate meaning in marathi

Word: strict celibate

Meanings in marathi :

paandhara sannyaasi ( पांढरा संन्यासी )
नैष्ठिक ब्रह्मचारी
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
strict faststrictly ritualistic brāhmaṇastridestrife and deathstriking again and againstrifestriking in battlestrikingstring instrumentstring made of jutestring of a garland of flowersstring of beads used to keep count in reciting mantrasstring of pearls woven into a part in the hairstringed musical instrumentstringed on a threadstringing togetherstrip of cloth covering the headstringstringed instrumentstrip of clothstroke of a hammerstrokestripstripestrollstrong and boldstrong and heftystrong armstrong currentstrong desire