subtle matter meaning in marathi

Word: subtle matter

Meanings in marathi :

tanumaatr ( तनुमात्र )
लिंग- देह
सूक्ष्म प्रपंच
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
subtlesubtletysuccesssuccessfulsuccession of ritual actssuccessive generationssuch assucking bloodsucking drysuchsudden or untimely deathsuddenlysuffering from a diseasesuffering from separation from a loved onesufferingsufficientsufficientlysuffix denoting an ordinal numbersuffix denoting liking attachment or a sense of identitysuffix meaning all types ofsuffix generally used to form abstract nouns used here as a noun [pk ppaṇasuffix to a personal namesugar cane used to prepare jaggerysugar canesugar-cane fieldsugar-cane millsugarsuggestivesuicidesuitably