sweet tongue meaning in marathi

Word: sweet tongue

Meanings in marathi :

muhuravaani ( मुहुरवाणी )
मधुर भाषण
गोड वाणी
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
sweet type of bananasweet wordssweet-naturedsweet-smelling grasssweetsweetened milk and gritssweetened milksweetlysweetmeat marketsweetnesssweetsswellingswimmerswing made of the branches of a treeswingswinging gaitswingingswitchswoonswoopswoopingswordswordsmansyllable or syllables that serve to evoke a deitysyllablesymbol in writing denoting a distinct hard aspiration and marked by two vertical dotssymphonysynonymsynopsissymbol