thatched roof or hut meaning in marathi

Word: thatched roof or hut

Meanings in marathi :

kadava ( कडवा )
कळकांचा केलेला कूड
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
the ability to hear the unstruck soundthe ability to observe minutelythe ability to seethe absence of mercythe absence of solitudethe act of coming togetherthatthe act of creatingthe act of creationthe act of filling somethingthe act of seeingthe act of waving such an objectthe absolutethe adams applethe administration of a kingdomthe afterbirththe agent of an illusionthe air emitted in a belchthe amorous sentimentthe andhra region kothe anusthe area around the earthe area at the edge of a villagethe army of a region in the hindukuśa mountainsthe army of the god kāmathe aromatic gum resin of the bdellium treethe arrangement of an armythe art of composing poetrythe art of musicthe art of riding horses