Hindi English Dictionary | हिन्दी अंग्रेज़ी शब्दकोश
the faculty of hearing meaning in marathi
the faculty of hearing
Meanings in marathi :
As noun :
( श्रवण )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
the faculty of sight
the falling away of all the stains of deities on a jīva
the family name of the devagiri kings
the far shore of a body of water
the far side
the father of a bride
the father of a bridegroom
the father of five widowed daughters
the father of many children
the father-in-law of ones daughter or son
the feathered end of an arrow
the feet
the female deities on the four lowest levels of the devatācakra beginning with the level headed by indra
the festival of hoḷī or śimagā
the festival of lamps falling on the last two days of the month of āśvina
the festival of springtime
the festival on the tenth day of the bright half of the month of aśvina
the fierce guardian deity of the southwest
the fifth note in a scale
the figure zero
the fifty-two letters of the devanāgari alphabet
the final stage of yoga
the final state in yoga
the fire in the stomach which digests food and causes hunger pangs
the fire of death
the fire under the ocean
the first blossom of a tree
the first blossoming of a tree
the first day of either half of a lunar month
the first fortnight of a lunar month
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