Hindi English Dictionary | हिन्दी अंग्रेज़ी शब्दकोश
the fifth note in a scale meaning in marathi
the fifth note in a scale
Meanings in marathi :
pancham shabd
( पंचम शब्द )
उच्च- स्वर
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
the figure zero
the fifty-two letters of the devanāgari alphabet
the final stage of yoga
the final state in yoga
the fire in the stomach which digests food and causes hunger pangs
the fire of death
the fire under the ocean
the first blossom of a tree
the first blossoming of a tree
the first day of either half of a lunar month
the first fortnight of a lunar month
the first half of a month
the five elements earth water fire wind and space b 2 b m
the five human incarnations of god
the flame of a lamp
the flame of knowledge
the flavour of sweetness
the folds of a garment tucked in at the waist
the foliage of a sandalwood tree
the food mixed together
the foot of a mountain but ko a mountain slope
the foot of a tree
the forehead
the form in which the deity māyā or caitanya is active in the world
the form of māyā as conjoined with īśvara and brahman
the form of the self
the fortnight of the waning moon
the fortnight of the waxing moon
the four eternal categories jīvas deities matter and parameśvara
the four kinds of fruits heaven hell earth and liberation obtained by a living being according to its previous deeds
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