Hindi English Dictionary | हिन्दी अंग्रेज़ी शब्दकोश
the four kinds of speech parā paśyantī madhyamā and vaikharī meaning in marathi
the four kinds of speech parā paśyantī madhyamā and vaikharī
Meanings in marathi :
chaughi jani
( चौघी जणी )
परा, पश्यंती, मध्यमा आणि वैखरी या चार वाणी
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
the four types of knowledge śābda aparokṣa sāmānya and viśeṣa
the four vedas
the four-faced god brahmā
the fourteenth lunar day of a fortnight
the fourth lunar day of a fortnight
the fourth period in the history of the mahānubhāva sect
the frame of a door
the frame of a hand loom
the frame of a vehicle
the fresh produce of a field
the front courtyard of a temple or palace
the front courtyard of a temple
the front line of an army etc
the fruit of a neem tree
the fruit of a pippala tree
the fruit of a ritupī tree
the fruit of a toddy palm tree
the fruit of a type of poisonous creeper
the fruit of the audumbara tree
the fruit of the cotton tree
the full distance one can see in one direction
the full moon day of the month of māgha january-february a festival day
the full-moon day in the month of bhādrapada august-september
the full-moon day in the month of phālguna february-march
the full-moon day of the month of vaiśākha
the full-moon day
the future
the garb of a cowherd
the garb of a customer
the garb of a pāṅguḷa an early morning mendicant
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