Hindi English Dictionary | हिन्दी अंग्रेज़ी शब्दकोश
the fruit of a type of poisonous creeper meaning in marathi
the fruit of a type of poisonous creeper
Meanings in marathi :
( धोतिरा )
एक विषवल्ली, तिचे फळ
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
the fruit of the audumbara tree
the fruit of the cotton tree
the full distance one can see in one direction
the full moon day of the month of māgha january-february a festival day
the full-moon day in the month of bhādrapada august-september
the full-moon day in the month of phālguna february-march
the full-moon day of the month of vaiśākha
the full-moon day
the future
the garb of a cowherd
the garb of a customer
the garb of a pāṅguḷa an early morning mendicant
the garb of an outcaste taken on by māyā
the gate of a village
the gathered folds tucked in at the waist at the front of a garment
the ghost of a brāhmaṇa
the gathered folds tucked in at the waist at the front of a sari or dhoti
the gift of life
the gist of a matter
the giver of a boon
the giver of grace prasāda
the globe of the earth
the glory of spring
the glory of victory
the goal or starting point in a game
the god brahmā
the god gaṇeśa whose vehicle is a rat
the god indra
the god jagannātha of orissa
the god kṛṣṇa as a mother
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