the mantra so ham meaning in marathi

Word: the mantra so ham

Meanings in marathi :

sohanshabd ( सोहंशब्द )
'सोऽहम्' हा मंत्र
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
the marriage necklace worn by a married unwidowed womanthe marāṭhī languagethe master of a placethe masterthe material or immediate cause of somethingthe maternal home of liberationthe means by which a jīva is carried from one state of reward or punishment to anotherthe means to attain the types of knowledge given by deitiesthe meat from the corpse of an animalthe meat of animals that have been sacrificedthe meeting place of jīva and śivathe meeting place of the iḍā and the piṅgalā in yogic physiologythe members of a familythe members of a householdthe membrane enveloping an embryothe metatarsus of a birdthe method of logicthe metre anuṣṭubhthe middle region of the bodythe middle room of a housethe milk oceanthe mind viewed as a threadthe mistress of a templethe moment for a weddingthe month of aṣāḍha june-julythe month of bhādrapada august-septemberthe mindthe month of bhādrapadathe month of clouds śrāvaṇathe month of māgha january-february