the night of cosmic dissolution meaning in marathi

Word: the night of cosmic dissolution

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
kaalaraatraratri ( काळरात्र--रात्री )
संहाराची रात्र
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
the night which is illusionthe noose of illusionthe north starthe norththe northern regionthe nose said derogativelythe notion of purity and impuritythe nātha sect of north indiathe nātha who regained his limbs by the grace of matsyendranāthathe nosethe nātha sectthe obvious meaning of somethingthe oceanthe one and only shelterthe one godthe one supreme godthe one who gives the syllables in a mantrathe one with a peacock design on his parasolthe opening of the larynx and hence of kuṇḍalinīthe or a beginningthe organs of sense collectively literally a town of sense organsthe origin or source of somethingthe original manuscript of the liḷācaritrathe outer surface of a person or thingthe outer wall of a compoundthe outskirts of a villagethe overhanging edge of a roofthe owner of a hundred coinsthe palm of a hand bereft of fingers or the sole of a foot bereft of toesthe palm of a hand