Hindi English Dictionary | हिन्दी अंग्रेज़ी शब्दकोश
the obvious meaning of something meaning in marathi
the obvious meaning of something
Meanings in marathi :
( मुक्तार्थ )
उघड, मोकळा अर्थ
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
the ocean
the one and only shelter
the one god
the one supreme god
the one who gives the syllables in a mantra
the one with a peacock design on his parasol
the opening of the larynx and hence of kuṇḍalinī
the or a beginning
the organs of sense collectively literally a town of sense organs
the origin or source of something
the original manuscript of the liḷācaritra
the outer surface of a person or thing
the outer wall of a compound
the outskirts of a village
the overhanging edge of a roof
the owner of a hundred coins
the palm of a hand bereft of fingers or the sole of a foot bereft of toes
the palm of a hand
the palm of the hand
the part between two joints
the part of a bodice that covers the breasts
the part of a sārī that covers the lower abdomen
the part of a village or town where mahāras live
the part of a village where mahāras live
the part of the līḷācaritra describing the period during which cakradhar did not yet have disciples
the part of the vedas relating to sacrificial rites
the past and the future
the past but pānse common place
the path followed by the wind
the path of intellectual union with god
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