the piṅgalā meaning in marathi

Word: the piṅgalā

Meanings in marathi :

dakshin ( दक्षिण )
उजवी नाडी
pingala ( पिंगळा )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
the place in the body where the three channels iḍā piṅgalā and suṣumnā are joinedthe place of ones birththe place of the eight types of deity ciḍā ciṭuka vīra bhautika deva devī yakṣa and yakṣiṇīthe place where the sacred thread reststhe placentathe planet marsthe planet rāhuthe planet saturnthe planet venusthe play of the selfthe plexus called maṇipura in yogic physiologythe plinth of a housethe plumpness of infancythe point of a topthe pole of a palanquinthe pollen of a lotusthe portion of a garment that covers the lower abdomenthe position of cowrie shells cast down in a gamethe position of the stars on a given daythe position or status of a preceptorthe post on a threshing floorthe post to which a sacrificial beast is fastenedthe potters neighbourhood of a villagethe power of attraction and knowledgethe power of attraction of an object of enjoymentthe power or range of visionthe power to attractthe power to encroachthe power to levitate by putting a pill into ones mouththe power to perform miracles