Hindi English Dictionary | हिन्दी अंग्रेज़ी शब्दकोश
the regional language meaning in marathi
the regional language
Meanings in marathi :
( देसी )
देशी भाषा
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
the reign of marāṭhās that is of the yādavas
the relation of a brother-in-law
the relatives of the groom at a wedding
the religious way of devotion to viṣṇu
the remaining span of a persons life
the remaining time in ones life
the remarriage of a widow
the residue of seeds etc from which oil has been pressed
the retentive faculty of the mind
the retinue of a god
the reward given by the deities viśva and caitanya
the reward of the knowledge given by the deity māyā
the rhythm of an āratī
the ridge-pole of a roof
the ringing of a bell
the ripening of fruit
the rise of a poetical sentiment
the rising and falling of the notes of a scale
the rising sun
the rite of conception garbhādhāna performed for the first time for an eight-month embryo
the ritual act of waving a small lighted oil lamp in a circle in front of someone
the ritual investiture of a boy with the sacred thread
the ritual of meeting performed by mahānubhāva ascetics
the ritual of presenting a shawl and a ring to the groom at a wedding
the ritual of setting the pinnacle on a temple
the ritual tonsure of a boy leaving a tuft of hair on his head
the river bhīmā
the river kālindī that is the yamunā
the river tāpī
the river yamunā
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