Hindi English Dictionary | हिन्दी अंग्रेज़ी शब्दकोश
the site of a village settlement meaning in marathi
the site of a village settlement
Meanings in marathi :
( पांढरी )
गावठाणाची जमीन
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
the six aspects of music
the six duties of a brāhmaṇa studying and teaching the vedas performing and sponsoring sacrifices and giving and accepting alms
the six months each year during which the sun moves from north to south
the six passions
the six plexuses in yogic physiology
the six systems of indian philosophy
the six types of flavours bitter sour sweet salty pungent and astringent
the six valid means of knowledge
the six virtues good fortune prosperity dispassion knowledge sovereignty and generosity
the sixteen digits of the moon
the sixth day in the bright half of mārgaśīrṣa
the skin of fresh ginger root
the sky
the slayer of an elephant
the slope of a hill or mound
the sloping part of a circular trough dug at the base of a creeper or tree
the smear on a jīva resulting from its own good and bad actions
the soft core of a piece of food
the sole of a foot
the sole of the foot
the son of a whore
the son of cupid
the son of ones wet nurse
the soul or self as god
the soul
the sound aaah made with the mouth wide open
the sound of a bell announcing someones arrival
the sound of a boat cutting through water
the sound of a horn blowing
the sound of dancing
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