the top meaning in marathi

Word: the top

Meanings in marathi :

upar ( उपर )
वरचा भाग
Identical words :
the top of something - senda ( सेंडा )
the top of the head - mukut ( मुकुट )
the top of a parapet - paanji ( पांजी )
the top or peak of something - shenda ( शेंडा )
the topmost position - sir ( सिर )
the top of a heap - sig ( सीग )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
the topmost positionthe tortures suffered by the dead and the dyingthe touch of a fingernailthe town of an incarnation of god guṇḍama rāuḷa or govindaprabhuthe town of paiṭhaṇthe tradition of the siddhasthe transcendent realitythe transcendent state of the mind the transcendental state of the mindthe treatment of a disease by means of a decoctionthe transcendent essence of god īśvarathe tretā yugathe trunk of a bodythe trunk of a plantain treethe trunk of a treethe trunk of an elephantthe truththe tucked-in part of a lower garment that is tucked in at the waistthe twelfth day of a fortnightthe twelve digits of the sun and the sixteen digits of the moonthe twenty-one constituent principles of the bodythe type of knowledge given by indrathe type of knowledge given by the deities in the four lowest groups of the devatācakrathe type of religious activity appropriate to a particular age of the world the title of a chapter of the sūtrapāṭhathe udder of a cowthe ultimate knowledge pertaining to the one godthe ultimate realitythe ultimate truththe underworldthe universal destruction at the end of a world-age