the way to the north implying no return meaning in marathi

Word: the way to the north implying no return

Meanings in marathi :

utaraapath ( उतरापथ )
उत्तरेकडे जाण्याचा मार्ग
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
the way to the norththe wealth line on the palm of the handthe weight of the bodythe western directionthe whole daythe whole nightthe westthe whole worldthe wick of a lamp that is kept perpetually burningthe wick of a lampthe wielder of a weaponthe wife of a godthe wife of a government administratorthe wife of a vidyādharathe wife of śivathe wind that pervades the whole bodythe wish-fulfilling cowthe wish-fulfilling creeperthe wish-granting gemthe woes of being a womanthe wombthe women of a familythe womenfolk assembled for a weddingthe word art asi in the phrase thou art that tat-tvam-asithe word sat in the mantra oṃ-tat-satthe word satthe word tat in the mantra oṃ tat satthe word tvam in the mahāvākya tattvamasithe work of a charioteerthe work of protecting a crop from birds