thinking of god for four watches or twelve hours meaning in marathi

Word: thinking of god for four watches or twelve hours

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
anusmaran ( अनुस्मरण )
चार प्रहर ईश- स्मरण
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
thinnessthirdthinkingthirst and hungerthirstthirsty personthirty-sevenththirty-sixthirty-threethirty-twothis bigthis daythis largethis muchthis region and other regionsthis-worldly and other-worldlythis-worldlythisthisnessthorn bush or hedgethornythorough searchthoroughfarethose to whom god is dearthornthoughtthoughtlessthousand times morethousandthrashed by the wind