this meaning in marathi
Word: this
Identical words :
this-worldly - ihik ( इहिक )
this day - aadyeah ( आद्येअ--ह )
thisness - idanta ( इदंता )
this-worldly and other-worldly - ihaamutr ( इहामुत्र )
this large - etulaal ( एतुलाल )
this big - etulaal ( एतुलाल )
this region and other regions - desadesaauuren ( देसदेसाउरें )
this much - yetul ( येतुल )
this day - aadyeah ( आद्येअ--ह )
thisness - idanta ( इदंता )
this-worldly and other-worldly - ihaamutr ( इहामुत्र )
this large - etulaal ( एतुलाल )
this big - etulaal ( एतुलाल )
this region and other regions - desadesaauuren ( देसदेसाउरें )
this much - yetul ( येतुल )
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