to be fulfilled meaning in marathi

Word: to be fulfilled

Meanings in marathi :

As transitive verb :
siddhane ( सिध्दणे )
निष्पन्न होणे
फळास येणे
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
to be full of hustle and bustleto be full ripeto be givento be graciousto be gratefulto be habituatedto be fullto be handed down in a traditionto be happy joyfulto be happyto be harassed or annoyedto be harassedto be heatedto be hiddento be hopelessly enmeshed in difficultiesto be hotto be hungryto be hurtto be illuminatedto be immersedto be imprintedto be in a difficult situationto be in a state of commotionto be in difficultiesto be in flamesto be in readinessto be inadequate or insufficientto be indifferent averseto be infatuatedto be inferred